Moderation Required: How to Moderate Comments on your WordPress Website

As with any online content where feedback is allowed, moderation is required.  This is especially true when feedback is visible to the public.  Users can berate others, swear at them, post malicious links, or any number of things.  Bots can also be a problem with your comment section as they try to get people to their sites (usually to scam them).  Moderation might sound like a long and arduous process, but in reality it can be made very easy even for websites with thousands or hundreds of thousands of users.  Okay, maybe hundreds of thousands might not be that easy, but it’ll at least be easy to understand!

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

If you’re an average person, chances are you’ve never even heard of search engine optimization (SEO).  After all, it’s really not important at all to a person’s daily life.  It’s not going to feed you, clothe you, or help you survive — but it will help to keep you, and the rest of the world, informed.  It’ll give you proper direction when you need it most.  No, it’s not a holy book or some life-changing guide, it’s just what keeps search engines (like Google) relevant and accurate when searching for information.

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WordPress Highlight: Posts Part 2

So, we’ve talked about the options, tabs, and buttons up at the top of a post here.  Now, let’s talk about the right side of your “post” screen.


The first section on the right side of your screen is the “publish” section.  It’s pretty straight forward but there are a couple important things to help out with.  Let’s start from the top.  Save Draft does just that.  It saves your draft.  Preview lets you see what the post will look like when it’s posted, which is particularly helpful when playing around with image sizes, fonts, etc.

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