FREE WordPress Hosting!

We are on a roll! You’re going to love the latest money saving package we’ve just added to our hosting plans. You can now get Free WordPress Hosting with our Bryzar Free Tier which includes the Bryzar Cloud App and Bryzar Cloud Storage! Want to grab this awesome deal? Follow the simple steps below and you’ll have your WordPress site up and running in no time.

Promo for Current BryZar Clients:

  • Free one(1) Cloud App server for new and existing BryZar clients.
  • Please submit a ticket to request the Free Cloud App server.
  • Include your domain for the Cloud App server.
  • Offer good while supplies last

Deploy a Bryzar Cloud App

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to My Account > Create Server > Free Tier > Cloud App

    Then select the following options:
    Template: WordPress
    Database Service: MySQL
  3. After you receive the DNS settings or IP address you can then set your DNS record.

The WordPress Template comes with WordPress and WP-CLI pre-installed. If you wish to install WordPress yourself, select “Apache + PHP” or “NGINX+PHP” for the Template.

The Cloud App server has very limited disk space, RAM and CPU. It is for small applications or micro sites. You can host small WordPress sites on it such as personal blogs or staging sites for development.

WordPress Setup Recommendations:

1. Use WordPress Cache Plugins

It is best to use some caching plugins such as “WP Super Cache“, “W3 Total Cache“, WP Fastest Cache“, “WP Rocket” and other caching plugins.

2. Avoid using 3rd party editors

We highly suggest that you do not install heavy plugins, especially 3rd party WYSYWYG editors such as  “WP Bakery” or “Elementor“. Such plugins are very heavy or consume a high amount of server resources. We recommend just using the Classic editor or Gutenberg editor.

3. Avoid installing heavy themes and plugins

Many WordPress sites are slow due to heavy themes and plugins. If you plan to install heavy themes and plugins, or a lot of plugins, you can get our Cloud VPS to host your WordPress site.

If you need more disk space or storage for your media files, such as your site photos, you can create a Bryzar Cloud Storage.

Using Cloud Storage for Your WordPress Media Files

  • Navigate to My Account > Create Server > Free Tier > Cloud Storage
  • Choose Template: Minio
  • To connect your WordPress site to the Cloud Storage you will need to install a media library plugin that supports Minio or SFTP.  Minio is an S3 compatible storage system. You can use plugins such as Media Cloud or WP Offload Media. 

Using the Media Cloud plugin

If using the Media Cloud plugin, you can set the configuration as follows:

  • Storage Provider: Minio
  • Access Key: (your Minio access key)
  • Secret Key: (your Minio secret key)
  • Bucket: (your bucket name)
  • Region: Automatic
  • Custom Endpoint:
  • Leave the other settings as is.

That’s it! Your WordPress site now connects to your Cloud Storage.

We hope you enjoy our latest Free package! If you have other needs, feel free to send us a ticket and we’ll be happy to assist.