Whichever script you choose for your website, you’ll most likely find that they will periodically release updates. If they don’t, you might want to find a different script as you do want to be on one under active development. Upgrading your site can be a stressful, uncertain thing if you are new to the process. This article will help provide you tips for creating a safe upgrade process so you hopefully have as little trouble as possible.
Tag: website startup
Starting a Website – Site Focus
Previously, we posted an article about Starting a Website – Features, which focused on choosing features for your website and how to tell which you really need and which you don’t. This article continues the Starting a Website series and focuses on Site Focus.
Starting a Website – Features
Starting your own website can be exciting! You have plans and dreams, goals and a vision for what you want it to be. No matter the type of site you want to create, there will be specific features you want or require for your site. This article, which is part of our Starting a Website series, will help you plan your features and avoid a common mistake new webmasters make – overloading their site and users with too many features. Sit back, get comfy, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and read on for the details.