What Plugins Should I Install in WordPress?

WordPress is a great website-builder for everyone from newbies to pros.  It gives developers a stable platform on which to build and it’s easy enough for anyone to learn.  One aspect that some might not know about though is plugins.  Plugins, in short, are just additions to your site that can change how things work.  For instance, if I want my website to have more options for a feature (say registration) then I can search online for a plugin that offers just that.  A single plugin alone won’t completely overhaul your website, but with a few small plugins you can give it a lot more flexibility.

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Upcoming Law in EU May Affect your Sites

Whenever you’re running a website, you have to always keep an eye on the news.  Maybe there’s something big coming up in your sector.  Maybe there’s a new competitor that just released.  Or maybe there’s a new regulation coming that will potentially affect your website.  Well, that’s exactly the situation right now and I’m here to give you all the details.

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Moderation Required: How to Moderate Comments on your WordPress Website

As with any online content where feedback is allowed, moderation is required.  This is especially true when feedback is visible to the public.  Users can berate others, swear at them, post malicious links, or any number of things.  Bots can also be a problem with your comment section as they try to get people to their sites (usually to scam them).  Moderation might sound like a long and arduous process, but in reality it can be made very easy even for websites with thousands or hundreds of thousands of users.  Okay, maybe hundreds of thousands might not be that easy, but it’ll at least be easy to understand!

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How Does Net Neutrality Affect You?

If you’ve come to read this blog, chances are high that you either have a website already or are thinking of starting one.  Chances are also high that you’ve at least heard mention of net neutrality and how it was recently reversed.  So here’s the big questions — What is net neutrality?  Will it affect me?  Will people be able to find my website?  Will my website still load properly?

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Why choose WordPress?

As with any purchase, people want to know they’re getting the most bang for their buck.  They want a product that works, one they can understand, and one they can rely on.  While WordPress isn’t a perfect product, because nothing truly is, it’s definitely one of the top choices and currently my top pick for designing a website both quickly and without much hassle.  So, why might you want to choose WordPress?

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Saving Money on Your Website

Websites are not cheap.  It’s just a fact.  They take hard work, time, and yes, money.  More than likely, you’re just like everyone else and you’re trying to keep your website functioning while working an actual job that pays your bills.  Luckily, your website doesn’t have to be a huge drain on that income of yours.  There are ways to reduce the amount of money you spend on your site!

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

If you’re an average person, chances are you’ve never even heard of search engine optimization (SEO).  After all, it’s really not important at all to a person’s daily life.  It’s not going to feed you, clothe you, or help you survive — but it will help to keep you, and the rest of the world, informed.  It’ll give you proper direction when you need it most.  No, it’s not a holy book or some life-changing guide, it’s just what keeps search engines (like Google) relevant and accurate when searching for information.

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Should I Start a Website?

On our site we’ve got lots of great tools and tips for those already invested in creating, updating, and improving their existing website/s.  What about those of us that have yet to decide whether we want to invest our time and money into making one?  It’s certainly not an easy project nor is it one that you’ll only spend a few minutes to get started.

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